jueves, mayo 10, 2012

History of the English Language

Interesante documento que me encuentro en Facebok publicado por el British Council.

sábado, mayo 05, 2012

En el séptimo cielo

Así me he sentido hoy entre apasionados por la enseñanza y las lenguas. Son ya muchos encuentros gratificantes compartiendo experiencias, por eso, se convierte en fiesta grande cuando llega desde Oxford la invitación y el día queda en el calendario como anuncio de lo que te espera: "Meet the authors", esta vez reencontrar en persona a Vanessa Reilly a Nina Lauder..., porque sus creaciones me acompañan cada día y ponen luz, color y acción en el cole: Cookie, Surprise, Dancing English, ¡cuánta magia encierran!. Y conocer el buenhacer de otras enseñantes como  Ángela Cofiño 
Mª Carmen Ocete 

- Sounds Fun! Ángela Cofiño co-wrote the contents for the phonics Multi-ROM for Oxford Splash. 

Accumulative sequence: every day a new sound and revisiting the previous sound.

Synthesize means blend, putting sounds together to sound out (pronounce) words.
Blending (to read) and segmenting (to write) are the basis in Synthetic Phonics.
Synthetic Phonics teach phonemic awareness so that all the sounds in words can be identified and written.

 - It's in the bag!Vanessa Reilly is the author of various OUP titles, including the newOxford Splash series for Pre-primary & Mari Carmen Ocete is the co-author of the brand-new Oxford Splashseries for Pre-primary

English needs to be the vehicle for fun!
"A child reminds us that playtime is an essential part of our daily routine"
"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales." Albert Einstein 
"Every adult needs a child to teach, it's the way adults learn!" Frank a. Clark

"Teaching is the profession that makes all the other professions possible"
"The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn" John Lubbock, Victorian scientist
"Once children learn how to learn, nothing is going to narrow there mind. The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another" Marva Collins
"A teacher affects eternity: he/she can never tell where his/her influnence stops" Henry Adams
"I touch the future, I teach" Christa McAuliffe

Don't forget about the all important 
Silent Period 

- The Journey of Learning - Nina Lauder is the co-author of the OUP series, Explorers, for Primary and co-author of "Aprende inglés con Dancing English", Ed. Espasa

Learning a language is like going on a journey...
Different tyoes of "travellers" in our classrooms:
   - Some students are passive and take things slowly
     Others are very active and agile.
   - Some students need a lot of guidance and support
     Others want to figure things out alone or in small groups.

   - Some students like comfort and safety
     Others enjoy adventure and risk-taking.

   - Some students enjoy doing active, group tasks
     Others enjoy quiet, reflective tasks.

   - Some students need clear, explicit reference material
     Others learn through experimenting.

How can we help?

                               V A R I E T Y

Children learn  best when their individual differences are taken into consideration.

Thank you very much for this wonderful meeting!!!!!